
  • Captain

A 30m S/Y is looking for a Captain to take over ideally by the end of April in Charleston. The yacht will move to Newport where it will remain for the summer. This is an open ended role as the boat is currently for sale. There are no trips planned for the summer but it will need to be well maintained and prepped for any possible viewings and/or day sails as required. This would suit someone who wishes to spend the summer based out of Newport, but who is also motivated to keep maintain the boat to a high standard for sale.

Candidates must be capable of driving the boat and hold a minimum or the equivalent of a Yacht Master Ocean. A B1B2 is required.

A good package is on offer for the role.



    Other passports?
    Visa Years of yacht experience Not shipping, cruise liner or land based.
    If you have a CV, references, food portfolio etc. you can upload a PDF or Word doc/docx here. Max filsize 2 mb.